Then I went to Priss, actually not for shoes but I stumbled over the With Love hunt item (10 L$) and inside I found these satn wedges in a lovely coffee with milk shade.
These elegant bronze shoes are the newest group gift by Mary Jane Shoes. Joining the group is free and they have a new pair of shoes for group members every month and some great instore hunts too (announced in the group).
The next shoes are by Sweet Antidote and they both are from a hunt. The top ones are from the AD&DW hunt and you have to find a round black box with a snow crystal on it.
The elegant sneaker pumps are also by Sweet Antidote and these ones are from the For Whatever hunt (find a big W).
Sweet Antidote also is participating in the You & Me hunt and if you find the shell which is the hunt item for this hunt you will be the owner of these sexy bodies. You get a purple and a teal one.
I am wearing the sneaker pumps by Sweet Antidote with the outfit Stoopidly Cool has hidden inside their big W from the For Whatever Hunt. The glasses are by ENZO, also from the FWH and again you have to find a big W at their store to get them. The bracelet is by Legit, also hidden insid ethe W from the FWH.
The next outfits with the tattoo are also from the FWH and you have to find a big W at the store of Orsini to get these outfits. Happy hunting ladies !
As you guessed by now I was doing a bit of hunting myself in the FWH and I found another W at Quarantine and also at Pekka. Quarantine has hidden this great sweater inside their W and the lipstick in 2 shades is hidden inside the W at Pekka. I simply LOVE the ChiChickie hair (gift POE hunt, ended on January 3rd.!
Phresh is also participating in the FWH and if you find the W at their store you get these elegant earrings !
OK enough with the hunting, I didn't have time to find more Ws so I hopped over to the new group gift by SLC. They have this great sweater and pants set for their group members.
But if yu are a VIP group member by SLC you get this great little black dress ! I styled it with jewelry by Alienbear (not free).
Over to more sexy stuff. What to think of these elegant lingerie sets by Blacklace? They are gifts at the store, under their Chrismas tree, so I have no clue how long they still will be there....but they are classy and elegant :) The pasties are not included.
Last one for today is the gift at Mon Cherie. Also an elegant lingerie set which will make your partner drool I think :) The shoes are included, so is the hair piece and the boa.