But till I get better ideas these titles will have to do. In the end it is all about what is ON the blog and not the title, agreed?
So I want to start with BabyMonkey. They have 9 great lucky boards with SHOES but if you go upstairs and then to the right you will find out that there are 9 more with CLOTHES ! So let me show you what I got there.
This lovely peach MESh dress is from the Lucky Boards at Babymonkey, so are the cute shoes. The bag is an older gift by Ribbon. The hair is from the Hair Fair (till July 29th, INFOPAGE here) and you can find it at the INK store on the fair.
The beautiful skin I am wearing is Anna by WoW skins, and you can find it for 100 L$ or less at Siria's Fashion Room.
The floral top (mesh) and the pants on both pictures are also by BabyMonkey, so are the shoes. All from the lucky boards.
The next tops are a new release by Viviane Fashion, they are called Butterfly tops and come in many lovely colors. The pants on the top picture are from the lucky boards at SN@TCH (you get a fatpack with lots of colors) and the boots are from the BabyMonkey lucky boards.

These are the same Butterfly tops by Viviane Fashion as I am wearing on the pic above. But the pants (mesh) are from the Daily Price Boards at Dirty Little Secret. The shoes are from the lucky boards at BabyMonkey.
Here you can see the lovely hair by INK which you can get on the Hair Fair as a gift.
And then I received these great earrings by Amitel et Camael in the Fabfree group. At Amitel et Camael you can get a matching necklace for just 10 L$. You can find the FABFREE shop here (with loads of gifts from great designers) and join the group there. Check notices and you will find the earrings!
The next elegant (mesh) top is from the lucky boards at PixelSnobs. They have 6 lucky chairs, but there is more. If you join the group (which is free) and they reach 1000 members, all group members will get a fatpack as a present. So come join ladies !
Then Gaea, a dear friend, told me she found a GREAT gown inside the hunt item from the Midnight Dream hunt. You have to look for a butterfly and Gaea found this lovely gown at NUTS. The hunt runs till July 21st.
I went to Tameless and I stood at their lucky chairs for a while and yes, I got this fun pink hair.
Tameless is also participating in the HAIR FAIR and if you go to their shop there you get a fatpack with this lovely hair, called Anita. The link will lead you to the Hair Fair shop.
Some more hair gifts from the Hair Fair. I got so many that it is har to chose which one to put here first !! So here goes: this hair is by Exile and it is called Karena. I simply fell for the cute pony tail, and you get ALL thinkable colors !! The cute jeans dress is also a gift at the Hair Fair, this one you can find at Ivanka Akina.
Then I went to Fashionable Dead at the Hair Fair and I was still wearing the lovely Exile hair...with the outfit Fashionable Dead has as a gift at the Hair Fair. The lovely necklace is included !
Another great hairdo is a gift by Eski Mo. They have this cute hair in all colors (yes I know, I have blogged it before). Why am I blogging it again? Because you also get a set with cute pink lipglosses...
And I found some really fun hair too. Some designers just were in a crazy mood and they designed some really crazy hair for the Hair Fair. What to think about this TEA hair by Bliensen & MaiTai? You also get a set of GREAT earrings to wear with your new hair !!
Or what do you think about the hair by F@C? Bright green, and the cap is included...would you wear it?
Another fun hairstyle is the one by Bliss. The hair is called Satina and you get 2 colors.
This next hair is by SugarSmack and it is called Kate hair. You get a full color pack :) The bow is color change.
I do like the hair by Tekeli Li. It is very unusual and you get extensions (if you can call them that way) and jewelry too.
Over to Frou Frou. They are giving the visitors of the Hair Fair a fatpack with hair ornaments.
Last one for today is the hair gift I found at DSC. THe hair is MESH and it is called Ayron Anime. You get lots of colors.