Anyway ...I will just start this blog and you can decide for yourself if you are an addict too.
Let me start with the Designer Circle. Some great designers put one of their designs in this shop and it will be priced below 100 L$. The items I am blogging from the Designer Circle will be available from February 6th till February 18th.
Like this lovely necklace, earrings and bracelet set by Vincenca Rosca, which is 99 L$. To get this lovely set go to the DESIGNER CIRCLE store. The set is completely color change with a hud, you can change the color of the beards or the stones or the metal. I had so much fun playing with it ! Took some pics for you from what I created.

This lovely lingerie set is the new group gift by Dirty Lill Secrets (DLS). You get the red and the white version and it is simply lovely.
Dirty Lill Secrets also has some new releases. Great tanks with a lot of different prints which you can wear as a short dress or with jeans for TOSL. And some really cute polka dotted dresses in a lot of colors. All at DSL. New releases so NOT free.
Over to some more jewelry. This lovely necklace is the gift Concrete Flowers has hidden inside the bag of popcorn from the Zombie Popcorn hunt. Just look around, the bag is red and white and quite easy to spot.
These green and red earrings are the gift by Virtual Insanity in the AD&DW hunt. You have to find a round black box with a blue ice cristal on top of it to get these lovely earrings. (Yes I know, I blogged them before, but I stumbled on the hunt item again, so it is still there to grab).
Another gift in the Zombie Popcorn hunt is the one at Pididdle. You get this great ring set to wear of you find the popcorn, so be hungry when you start hunting :)
These lovely wings are hidden inside the popcorn at Epic. There is a HINT page for this hunt which you can find of you click THIS LINK. It also holds the links to all the participating stores.
Then I found some more hair in the ZombiePopcorn Hunt. This lovely hair is by Mina and she hid it inside the popcorn.
The lovely pony tail hair is also by Mina and it is a gift on the counter.
This hair is by DCS and you can find it on their Midnight Mania board which is just outside PINKMARESHOUSE. It doesn't need many clicks, and the hair is called Gabriel.
Next to the lucky board by DSC you can find a small stall from ChoOoz. They have many 1 L$ pairs of shoes there, I just am showing you 2.
Each 1 L$.
Some more shoes? These Mary Janes are the gift from the Midnight Mania board at PinkMares House. It needs many clicks so invite all your friends and enemies to click. You get not only these 3 colors, no you get a real big fatpack :)
Another pair of shoes can be found at Sweet Antidote. That is: if you can find the popcorn from the Zombie Popcorn hunt at their store. If you do find it these great shoes are yours !
Last one for today are the latex zipper boots DUH! Has hidden inside their bag of popcorn. DUH! also has a lot of dollarbies at the store and they have 2 lucky boards upstairs :)
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