The problem is that I still have some awesome stuff left from the Diamonds is Mine hunt, but this hunt ended on December 1st.
So if you are fast and the designers/shop owners were slow you still might find the items I found :)
This first outfit is by Angelic Lefevre and I styled it with the very elegant bag I found at Indira Originals. Find the diamond if it is still out and it is yours.
The next outfit is hidden in the diamond at Ali Couture. Nice warm winter outfit and it comes with the hoes ! Hurry to find the diamond, I hope it hasn't been removed yet.
And for this outfit you have to find the diamond at Egoïsme. Wow it is called Dreamcatcher...the boots are included.
The next outfit is by Shade outfitters and I styled them with the lovely boots you get at Drakke. Find the diamonds ladies, but hurry.
Over to another nice outfit, this time by Trendstyle. You get the sexy jeans and the lovely sweater. If the dimaond is still there !
The shoes I am wearing with the outfits on this blog are by HOC Industries (Not free, but all below 200 L$ and colorchange).
Yet another jeans and sweater outfit, this time in purple, is the gift in the diamond at Shiki.
I also found some very cute dresses in the DIM hunt. Like this one, it is by Silk Dreams and it is a lovely light little dress.
This dress is by Has Been and it is a beautiful dress in red. Ideal for the Christmas period don't you think? Find the diamond if it is still there !
Chichi of London has a GREAT outfit hidden inside their diamond. Made me fell like a Parisienne! It is hidding inside their diamond, including the sexy cigarette holder :)
Then I went to Ducknipple where I found the little black/grey dress inside the diamond.
Another cute black dress was hidden in the diamond at KIM.
And yet another very modest black dress you can find inside the diamond at Jazmyn D.
Then I got this cute purple dress from the diamond at Thalia. WOW that is a lovely dress !
The perfect clutches to go with yout dresses you can find inside the diamond at DUH if it is still there !
Or you could go for the cute earrings Bliensen & MaiTai have put inside their diamond !
These bangles are the gift inside the diamond at LouLous. Hope you can still find it !
This lovely green sweater and the cute antlers are a gift at Rose Heaven Design inside their diamond. They are nice to wear at Christmas :)
The last 2 items are very sexy underwear. The first one is hidden insid ethe diamond at Blacklace.

The last one is hidden inside the diamond at Sakide.

I truely hope the diamonds you like are still out there. So HAPPY DIAMOND SHOPPING LADIES !
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