SN@TCH has a sale at the moment (today is the LAST day) with hughe discounts, so why not hop over and see if you like their desing as much as I do?
And don't I look like a teacher ???
SN@TCH also has 2 lucky chairs and in those chairs are very high quality dresses, tops and shoes !
Look what I got there ! The jewelry is not included in the outfits. And I styled the lovely pastel skirts with the tops from the other outfits I got from the lucky chairs.
SN@TCH also has a basement filled with low priced items, the range is from 0 L$ to about 50 L$ and you can find even skins there.
I was very surprised to see them. The owner/designer told me they were old items, but they are still very well made and perfect to wear! Look what I found there (what I am showing are ONLY freebies. And I am not even showing ALL the freebies, there are so many, you have to go over and take a look for yourself :)
The landmark will land you directly in the basement.
The cute hair with hat is a special by Chichickie, 95 L$ for a fatpack!
Shoes are by BabyMonkey.

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