So hop over to Furore, (hunt starts at September 1st) find the hunt item and feel like a movie star :)
Bare feet are a group gift by Coco.
This very nice outfit for guys and gals is the gift by American Bazaar in the ABBH (American Bazaar Birthday Hunt). WOW find the hunt item ladies and gents and it is yours :)
Congratulations American Bazaar :)
The next shop I went to is Fear Us. They have a cute dollarbie at their store and also a midnight mania board which didn't close'.
Then I visited Snowpaws. They have 2 midnight mania boards and plenty lucky boards. Look below what I got there !!
Next stop was Mimi's choice and I got this great Gizza jacket there. The jeans are an older hunt gift. The tote bag is a group gift by Coco and the shoes are a BabyMonkey design. The cute belly chain is by Alienbear (not free).
The next shoes are from the lucky boards at Babymonkey. And the very cute pink bangles are a group gift by BabyMonkey.
I am wearing the purple boots by Babymonkey with the jacket I got at Upper man. It is a group gift and actually for guys...but hey I am not complaining :)
The hair with hat is a gift by LOC in the liberty group. Join and get this great hear from group notices (just one color). Necklace is an older freebie by Chop Zuey.
Ragdolls has a Midnight mania board with a VERY high target (999) but if it closes you will get a 500 L$ gift card for RagDolls. Next to this midnight mania board is another one with this great dress on it and a lower target :)
The last post: Rush Lush. They have a midnight mania board too, which didn't close even though it only has a 50 target. But on the table are 3 bags with lovely free skins :)