Actually I was doing part of the Wonderland hunt (more tomorrow) and I stumbled across these great lucky chairs at Alice Project ! They have one lucky chair, 2 lucky boards and 2 mini mania boards. And a midnight mania board too. And WOW the hair is great ! Color change by touching, streaks or no streaks, light or dark tips...amazing !!!
And this is what the hair looks like:
Then I jumped over to Me-I. They have 2 lucky boards and I got this cute hair from one of them :)

The new voting gift is called Cele hair blackberry. Both the GROUP gift and the VOTING gift are available at the Alli & Ali mainstore.
The Cele hair is also available as a gift on Marketplace in strawberry.
And so is the LOVELY Isabel hair (one of my favorites) You can find it on Marketplace as a gift for the time being.This lovely hairdo, called PAX is also available on MARKETPLACE.
And this one, Jenna is also available on MARKETPLACE. Be fast, it is only a temporarily offer :)
Rock Candy has some very cute hair for free on Marketplace. It is a fatpack in all colors. The name is Bombi.And Cilian'gel has a GREAT new group gift ! A lovely bikini and butterflies ! The butterflies come in pink or blue and they are so much fun !
BabyMonkey has changed the shoes in their lucky chairs and their lucky boards ! There are 9 lucky boards and 2 chairs so plenty chances to win something ! Thanks Pixieplumb :) (there are much more new items than these 3, but hey R doesn't show up that much)
And these cute shoes are by Prim & Pixels. They are colorful and fun, and they go great with all summer outfits :)
Last one for today are the GREAT heels by Tara. They are free, at the landing spot it is the pair in the middle of the top row.