But now to the serious part: my blog. Let me start with the great Advents Calendars I visit every day. The gifts are from day 4 and 5, but there are many more to come. This first one is by Alice Project.
And this one is by ALB, also day 4 and day 5. WOW they are giving away a lovely fur coat. No worries, it is just SL fur. The dark coat is actually for guys, but I am not complaining, it looks great on me too. Come to think of it: the dark shoes might be for guys too...
And this great bird ring, the knitting animation with the socks and the beautiful earrings are the Advent Calendar gifts by Ginza.
Over to Virtual Impressions. They yesterday had great butterfly earrings and today I picked up the matching necklace. The Calendar is GROUP though.
Last calendar is LaRosa and they had these great jeans yesterday and the perfect nails today.
Earthstones is giving their group members lovely nose studs in silver and gold and for the non group members there is this cute snowflake on tongue.
Then Aeva/Heartsick have these great special Christmas skins for us all. They are just 100 L$ each, so that can't be the problem. You get all the skin options. This offer is only valid till January 2nd so don't wait too long to get them! I am not showing you ALL options, just the 5 skins that are on offer.

Avea/Heartsick also have these lovely mesh corsets for just 100 L$ each on offer. The price is also valid till January 2nd.
The next lovely Xmas Fever outfit is the newest offer at NS. You can find this great outfit in their MARKETPLACE store or in the shop. Just 99 L$ for the complete outfit including the booties.
And this cute radio bag, which actually plays music, is on offer for just 80 L$ at the NS MARKETPLACE store. Wow this is so cool!