Then I went to Artistry by E. The Atristry by E group is an expensive one to join but you get so many gifts that it is unbelievable! Worth to consider joining ladies! At the landing point take a TP to the store. There is a Countdown to Christmas with gifts for group members. But not only that, Endra shares her private receipes with the group members too!
Artistry by E is also participating in the Womenstuff hunt and if you can locate the pink teeshirt at their store you get these lovely bracelets.
Lazuri has new group gifts out and they are as usual amazing. If you are a group member you get these great golden bangles and 2 pairs of matching earrings.
Over to the POE 5 hunt. I explained it already several times: POE5 means Peace on WEarth 5 hunt and you are looking for a globe with a white dove. The HINT & LINK page is extremey useful if you get stuck.
So here goes...I went to find the globe at DCNY and yay I found it !! Inside are all these cute cocktail dresses in white with a sequin top in beautiful colors. The fur cape is included.
Another cute dress is the one 1 Hundred is giving away as a gift in the POE5 hunt. This great light blue dress is hidden inside the globe and it is yours if you can find it. I am wearing another gift from the POE5 hunt wit this dress, the lovely jewelry that is hidden inside the globe at Eclectica. The lovely necklace, ring and earrings look like snow christals.
The next dress is just as soft as the one above. It is a sweet white dress with a dove and it has a very romantic feel. The dress is the gift inside the globe at Sugar & Cyanide. And all you have to do is find it to get this lovely dress.
I found another white dress inside the globe at Snowpaws. This lovely ballet dress looks like it is made out of snow and stars. The great hat is included. And it is yours if you can locate the globe.
Meiling Couture is also participating in the POE hunt and they have this, what they call, Bollywood dress inside their globe. So if you want to wear this gown, go hunting ladies.
Over to Prism because they have this cute Lucia dress hidden insid etheir globe. Just find it ladies, it is not that hard! And look what you get if you do find it....gorgeous!
To wear with these lovely dresses you could decide to get some new skins, some great new hairdo or some jewelry. Or even get some great boots! How about these lovely boots? They are the hunt gift at Demented Dreamworx and all you have to do to get them is find the globe. The shoes are color change with a hud and you can adjust them to all your outfits. I have been playing around with them a little.
Did I say skins? Well Rockberry is giving away some awesome skins in this hunt. You get so many options you won't believe it! There are 4 different skintones in the gift and there are freckled skins, with no brows or with brows, and with cleavage in the folder too. Just find that globe!
As for the hairdos you could go over to Hinako hair and find that globe there. If you do you will find this lovely hair inside it.
Or you can go to EMO-tions and find the globe there. If you find it you get a great hairo in black and one in white. Perfect to wear with all your gowns or casual outfits.
Some more jewelry? can find this lovely set insid ethe globe of the POE5 hunt at Elemental jewelry. It is a great set in silver and gold with lovely turquoise stones. What a great gift!
And the last one for today is the jewelry set Designs by Sebastian has put inside their globe of the POE 5 hunt. A lovely necklace and ring are yours if you can find that globe at their store.