Just one day to go...and then we celebrate the birth of Christ!
Ah well first my blog for today! There will be no blog tomorrow as I will be spending quality time with my family and friends!
Today just a few items on my blog, and the first one is from the Designer Circle. They are having their 69th round and this round runs till December 28th. But what I found there is perfect for this time of the year! The lovely dress is by Kanou and it is available at the Designer Circle in 4 great colours. Each colour is just 80 L$. And I am using the champagne poses by Icons of Style. They are just too awesome to miss ladies! There are two huge packs available and each one is just 85 L$ at the Designer Circle!
The skin & shape I am wearing on my blog today is Amanda milk by WoW skins. It is available on the Second Life Fashion week (NOT free).
The elegant hair is Citrine by Tameless hair, ruby tone (NOT free).

But there is more to get at the Designer Circle! Pink Cherry has some great dresses on offer at the Designer Circle! These dresses are called Spiked tube dress and there are 2 colours available, each for 100 L$. There is a HUD included which can change the spikes into silver or gold.

You can also find this beautiful Sequoia dress in a dark rich green at the Designer Circle. This lovely dress is by Immerse and is it 100 L$. The cute bag I am wearing with this dress is by Things I like and they have 2 different ones on offer at the Designer Circle. The one I am wearing is 70 L$, there is another one (different style) for 60 L$.

Then I went to Soul Glitter to pick up their lovely new group gift!! Joining the group is free! The lovely boots are included.

And Soul Glitter has this beautiful dress for you all at the Fashion Lab Room. This lovely dress comes with the boots and a HUD to change the colour of the dress and boots (5 great colours are available)! And you can grab it for just 75 L$!