Today you can find a lot of nails on my blog. Some are from the Peace on Earth hunt, some from Marketplace, but they are all great!
And you can find a great set by Iffyta too...which comes with nails and shoes.
Well let me start with Iffyta. When I got this set it was free, but it turns out that it now is 199 L$. Anyway I am going to blog it here..and I will add some links similar but cheaper offers by Iffyta.
You can find similar shoes HERE for 1 L$, colour change and all.
You can find a similar bikini HERE including shoes. (free)
You can find similar shorts HERE (free) and tanks HERE including bikinis (1 L$).
Or you can of course buy the whole set including the nails for 199 L$.

Then I got these awesome free nails by Allusions. Wow they are sooooo great for Christmas! You do need the Slink nail enhancer, which is 150 L$ but then it is sooo easy to wear these nails or change them!
For the next nails from the Peace on Earth hunt you need the SLINK nail enhancer too (150 L$).
The next nails are from the Peace on Earth hunt. In this hunt you are looking for a globe with a white dove on it. And if you can find it at #130 Nailed it you will get a huge set of nails with flags from countries all over the world on them. I am showing you the America set, but there is also an Africa set, and Asian set and a Europe set inside this gift.

Another participant in the Peace on Earth hunt is #133 ArtMe Fashion. They also have nails as a gift inside their hunt globe and this is again an awesome set! There are little snowmen on the nails, a snowy sky, and other great Christmas details. You need the SLINK nail enhancer (150 L$)

The next nails are from Marketplace and they are by Forget-me-not. They are free.
And these lovely black & gold nails are by Blaise and they are also available on Marketplace for free.
My last nails for today are by Xante and they come from Marketplace as you by now could have guessed. They are free. They are very light, the pictures don't show them well, but they are gorgeous with lace tops in pastel colours.
Well I couldn't help myself, Marketplace is my favourite place to find freebies. Like this elegant Christmas gown by Shar. It is a great gown and you will look so elegant in it, especially if you get one of these awesome nails above too!