If you missed a blog yesterday you are right, it wasn't there. I am a bit ill, I am suffering from an ear infection which does not hurt but makes me very dizzy. Which makes it impossible to sit behind my PC for a long time.
It is getting better though :) but today you will get a blog with inventory left overs ....
The Designer Circle round #68 ends on December 14th and I still have some awesome shoes to blog. These great boat shoes are by Hollyhood and you can grab them at the Designer Circle for just 100 L$ per pair!
Today I am also going to show you a few gifts I got from Advent Calendars. I don't have much time to pick up all the lovely gifts, but I am going to give you a list of Advent calendars so you can pick out the ones you want to visit every day.
You can find a list by Fabfree HERE and you can find a list by Yermawn HERE.
And here are a few examples from what I got. They are all from day 2, so there are other gifts there now......this first gift is by Viviane Fashion. They also have a question mark board and from that board I got the lovely high tops.
The next gift is by EMO-tions. Also from DAY 2, it is just an example. Group needed.
And this lovely jewellery set is by Virtual Impressions (group needed). Also from day 2.
This beautiful nails & rings set is by Formanails. (day 2)
And if you visited Ginza Jewellery advent calendar on day 2 you would have these awesome hair jewels as a gift.
B!asta has a lovely new group gift for their group members ladies. This elegant dress is called Gorki Park and if you consider to join the B!asta group the enrolment fee is 50 L$.
The lovely jewellery set is the Classic Pearl set by Lazuri, which is free on Marketplace. The set is colour change.

B!asta is also participating in the Naughty or Nice hunt. This hunt runs till December 31st and you are looking for a red ornament, which is 5 L$. You can find the HINT & LINK page here. And below is what you get if you can locate the red ornament at B!asta.

Ashmoot has a new Group gift too and this elegant lingerie set is just awesome and very sexy! You can wear it with or without the MESH corset. Joining the Ashmoot group is free.

Over to the Jewellery and Accessories fair. You can find some awesome gifts there too ladies. I got a few I loved very much but don't wait too long to go get them as the fair ends on December 21st. I got this great pair of boots at K-Code at the fair (free).
And I got this beautiful pearl necklace also at the Fair and it is a gift by Crystal Line. Wow, thank you so much!
This great Marilyn make up layer is a gift by Moda at the Fair.
And if you go to Maxi Gossamer you will find a great gift there too: this lovely jewellery set.
The last gift I found at the Fair is this set of earrings by Styles by Danielle.