Just 2 days to go and I am going to spend some quality time with my family and friends. So today there will just be 2 shops on my blog.
I think you will be happy about that as you will have less time like me.
Let me start with 7 Deadly S[k]ins. They have a free group join till December 25th, so there are just 2 days left...but if you join you will have the key to the VIP room (you have to wear your group tag to get in) and you will get a whole bunch of presents!
Look below what I got there!

Then Tameless has some awesome new releases. All new released hair by Tameless comes in 3 colour packs: Naturals with all 20 natural colours, Fades with 16 ombre and tipped colours, and Fantasy with 20 fantasy colours. Each colour pack is $249. The Mega Pack with all colours are $499L..
This first hair is called Kareena.
And this hair is called Kenedy.
This hair is called Lindsey. You can wear it with or without the colour change hair band.
And this hair is called Macalya.
Tameless also has some awesome outfits. The outfit I am wearing with the lovely Kareena hair is called Shy and you get the dress in 3 colours. The cute boots are included. Each outfit at Tameless is just 149 L$ including all extra's shown on the vendors.