Sascha's Design also has a very elegant feather babydoll dress on offer. You get a white and a black version of this Audrie dress which you can wear just as it is or spice up with lovely jewelry. 125 L$ for the pack of 2 dresses.
Sascha's Design also has a weekly gown offer, which means one of their lovely gowns is on offer for half the original price. This wek it is the beautiful Medusa in choco. A stunning sexy gown which is on offer for just 250 L$.
And last but not least Sascha's Design also has 2 great 60 L$ offers each week. This week you can chose either the Marcie gown in coffee or the fun Anika coat (just the COAT) in black. Or you can get both ofcourse for just 60 L$ each. The beautiful jewelry is the Noor set by Lazuri.
Over to Tameless. They have released a lovely new hairdo called LaDonna. This great hair is on sale the first week and you pay 199 L$ for a one color pack with 4 tones, or you can get the fatpack with all colors for just 795 L$.
Hinako hair also has some new hair and this Evaline hair is available as a Gatcha, for 39 L$ per try. It is transfer so you can swap your doubles with friends.
Then I got this great lingerie/outfit set from the midnight mania board at Kastle Rock. Get your friends over and click away to close the board ladies! And don't forget to click the mini mania boards and take a peek at the lucky chairs. The cute bare feet which you can wear with or without the comlimentary sandals are by Tara (not free, 200 L$). The Queen of Hearts jewelry set is by Lazuri (on sale for 150 L$, colorchange).
Another store that has a few lucky boards is Barely Legal and I was so lucky to get this cute sexy ourfit there.
LoveCats is particpating in the Dirty Turkey hunt. If you can find the round box with a turkey on top of it you will get this great outfit.
LoveCats is also participating in the Womenstuff hunt. In this hunt you are looking for a red teeshirt sculpt and inside it you can find this cute outfit.