I also stood a while at the lucky boards of Breathing and got the following items (don't laugh...the snowman is not a thing to put somewhere...I AM IN IT!!! you wear it !!!)
Actually I got all the things on the LB.
YES YES I am inside it. But you also get a shoulder version (see below)
Cute knitted hats
Hello Kitty bags :)
Or just shoulder bags
And extremely cute shoes :)
Bait has a very sexy top for free (the pasties are not included)
+PLUS has a few very nice freebies in their store....oh I LOVE this bag...I really fell for it.And last but not least I went to JeSyLiLo and they have skins for free...for guys and gals but I am just showing your the girls ones :)
These are the dark tan ones
These are the pale ones
And these are the XMAS ones
Happy shopping ladies :)