This week I will be away for a few days, but I tried to make some blogs in advance. I hope you still will enjoy them.
Let me start with todays blog. Sascha Frangilli, owner and designer of Sascha's Designs is having her REZ day this week and her RL birthday next week! She is giving all her group members a lovely gown as thank you for their support and loyalty. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND HAPPY REZDAY Sascha!!
Joining the group is 100 L$.
The skin I am wearing today on my blog is Donna tan, cleavage option, make up #2 by WoW skins (NOT free).
All hair I am wearing on my blog today is by Tameless Hair (NOT free).
Then Nani from NS Design has a great 1 L$ offer at her store. These cute winter boots are just 1 L$. They come with a colour and texture change hud!

And NS Design also has a Gatcha which you can try for just 35 L$. If you try your luck you will get a lovely bag and also a key chain (which I am not showing. Some of the bags are keep trying ladies!!
The lovely hair is a new release by Tameless hair and it is called Chalize (NOT free, blogged yesterday)
The jewellery is from the Kaya set by Lazuri (NOT free).

Over to B!asta. They have a Grab-a-B!asta for 50 L$ at their store and this time it is a lovely boho skirt which comes with a HUD so you do not get ONE skirt, you get in fact 7! This offer is only valid till November 27th!
The lovely tops are by Jane and they are free intrinsic tanks (you get a fat pack).
The jewellery is the Kaya set by Lazuri (NOT free).
I also visited the Designer Circle again and I got these lovely rugged sweaters there. They are by WicketNight and they are on offer for 99 L$ each. There are 4 colours available.

The Dirty Turkey Hunt is still running till November 30th. In this hunt you are looking for a round box with a turkey on it. There is a HINT & LINK page available which is very helpful!
I landed at #15 Elephante poses and if you find the hunt box at their store you get these cute poses.
But I found some more poses, at #81 Juxtaposes. I just LOVE that coffee and pie tray, and I love the hat even more! If you want to surprise your loved one with this outfit: find that hunt box ladies!!
My next stop was at #50 Fowl. You get this sexy sequin top if you can locate that hunt box!
Anther great fun top with a turkey on it is the gift at #91 xKorruptedx. If you find that round box at their store it is yours to wear on Thanksgiving!!

Then I found the hunt box at #88 Grumble. This store is huge, it took me quite a while to find it! Just find the BEACH and you will be close!! And if you find it in the end this great outfit is yours.
The shoes are by Baby Monkey and they are called Inez flats (NOT free).
The lovely hair is a new release by Tameless and it is called Bella (NOT free).
My last find for today is a great one. But you need to have the SLINK nail enhancer which you can buy at their store for 150 L$. If you own it already quickly hop over to #87 Virtual Insanity and find that turkey box at their store! You will get a lovely set of nails you can wear with this enhancer!! (not showing you all nails you are getting, just a few examples)