I just love to look elegant in Second life and preferably for a low price. Or if possible for free. But you knew that already. So this time I hopped over to LineaRise and joined their group. Joining is free.
They have many great group gifts, ranging from a lovely dress with matching booties to great tops and a lovely evening gown. You have to find them at the store though, because ethey are not all at the same spot!
But totally worth it ladies, look below.
The lovely jewellery is the Saffi set by Lazuri (NOT free).

My last find is another great dress, but this one is from Marketplace. This elegant dress is by Mirus and it is 1 L$ ..but you will look like a million dollars in it!
The elegant jewellery is the Celeste special edition by Lazuri which is on sale for group members for just 349 L$.