Today I am going to start with the Black Event at the Wash. Dirty.little.Secret is participating in this event and they have some awesome offers there. In this event you can find many 10 L$ offers and there is also a hunt going on. Fint the #8 ball and you will get a cute gift :)
Let's see what Dirty.little.Secret is offering for 10 L$:
A lovely Daddy's Cardigan set, boyfriend jeans, a cute tube top, arm warmers, elegant pumps with a colour change hud (not showing all options) and innocent flats, also with a colour change hud (not showing all options).

And this is what you get if you can find that #8 ball:
Over to the Designer Circle. Their 67th round runs till November 30th, so don't wait too long to get here and grab those great offers you can find there! Nothing at the Designer Circle is over 100 L$!
I found this great shape there, called Nena and it is on offer by Anna Shapes. It is yours for 80 L$.
And this cute dress is by Coco Sands. It is on offer at the Designer Circle for 99 L$ including the boots! Ther eis also a shape on offer for just 75 L$ and this shape is called Ismay (NOT shown).

Then I went back hunting ladies. In the Dirty Turkey hunt you can find some awesome and amazing gifts. You are looking for a round box with a turkey on it. If you get stuck: here is your HINT & LINK PAGE.
I landed at #82 First love and wow...that was a scary gift I found inside their box :)
My next stop was at #92 Endless pain tattoos. You get this great tattoo...but first you have to find that hunt box!
And if you find the hunt box at #89 RedRum you will get 2 presents: a greasy spatter and a gobble tattoo. Is it something you would wear at Thanksgiving?
Hop over to #96 Urban Cherry to get this elegant sequin dress. All you have to do is go hunting for that turkey box and you will shine in this lovely dress.

The next stocking would be great with this dress. They are yours if you find the hunt box at #97 Shabby Cat. Only the stockings ladies, not the flats.
But if you need shoes to go with this dress, go find the hunt box at #59 Lucifers Heart. These shoes are just awesome, great to wear with any outfit! Just go hunting ladies, the boxes aren't that hard to find!
And if you really want to go in style, just go hunting at #95 Collisions. You will find this awesome top hat inside their hunt what a gift!!
My last find ...hmmm...what can I say? I found these boxers inside the hunt box at #84 Urban Wealth. Somehow I have the feeling they are for guys and not for me...but they are still cute, those boxers!