It is a cold Sunday morning in Europe, winter is coming, it is grey and the leaves are almost all gone now. But I am sitting inside, doing my shopping in SL with a cup of tea next to me. Today a lot of hair and some more hunting to do!
Let me start with the lovely group gifts by EMO-tions. I have been in this group for ages, so I have no clue if there is an enrolment fee, but look at the gifts ...they are awesome!!
This first hair is called Antionia.
The skin & shape I am wearing with all the hair below is Norah by WoW skins, tan version with cleavage and red brows (NOT free). This skin & shape is an exclusive for the Singer Icon Fair.
And this hair is called Deborah.
This next hair is YAY Pippi.
And this one comes with the pose and is called Release gift.
This hair is called Vivienne.
This hair is called Shy.
And this one is Shakira.
The last one is called Ice Cold.And I found another group gift hair at D!va, it was their Halloween gift. Joining this group is free.
Then I did some more hunting in the Dirty Turkey Hunt. In this hunt you are looking for a round box with a turkey on it. You can find the HINT & LINK PAGE here, which is very helpful. This hunt runs till November 30th ladies!
I started today at #7 Sassy. They have this great purple sexy dress hidden inside their hunt if you like sexy go hunting!

My next stop was at #32 Mary Cakes. They have an awesome sweater as a gift hidden inside their round turkey box! I styled the sweater with jeans by Blackburns (free) and with cute colour change Dark star low top sneakers, also by Backburns and also free.
Then I went to #47 Insanya and wow they have a great tattoo for your back. It is yours if you can locate that round turkey box at their store!
Another great gift is this elegant belly piercing and you can find it inside the turkey hunt box at #38 EllaBella. Just go find it ladies...and you will have this belly piercing to wear!
Over to Rotten Apple which is #37 in this hunt. I just love this turkey cap ladies. It really is worth hunting for...just so much fun to wear!!
Another participant in this hunt is #34 Assylum. If you can find the hunt item at their store you will be the proud owner of these great shoes! I didn't find may shoes in this hunt and these ones are awesome!!
The shoes go great with the next hunt item and this lovely green dress is by #35 E C R U. I love the texture on this dress, and my fav colour is green, so they could not have made me happier :) If you like it too, just find that hunt box!
My last find for today was at #36 Maribol Ishan. A great purple is a beautiful gift and it is great to wear. So go hunting ladies !!