It is a good thing that in Second Life the sun always shines if you want it to shine!
Today on my blog: The Designer Circle, round #66, which ends on November16th. And some awesome gifts by Moda. And some hunting to do too!
So let me start with the Designer Circle. This time I found these fun dresses there and they are by Velocity. Both dresses are called Mia dress, one is called Dotty and the other is called lace. Not hard to figure out which one! These lovely dresses are on offer at the Designer Circle for 100 L$ each.

And this sexy corset is by Wertina. Great to wear with jeans, like I did, but you can also wear it with black garters and stockings for a more sexy look. It is on offer in several colours at the Designer Circle for 90 L$ each. The lace mask is included.
The jewellery set is Celeste by Lazuri. (NOT free)

Then I found another sexy outfit at the Designer Circle and this one is by WicketNight. It is just 89 L$ and you will look soo sexy in it!

My last find for today at the Designer Circle is by Pure Poison and HollyHood. Pure Poison has these awesome dresses on offer at the Designer Circle. They are called Angela and it comes in black or red flowers. These dresses are 99 L$ each. I styled the black Angela dress with the awesome Charleston boots Hollyhood has on offer at the Designer Circle for 99 L$. There is also a matching teal Gator bag on offer for 99 L$.

And now for a more tougher look. Moda has some awesome worker shoes/boots as a gift on the Rockabilly Fashion fair. This fair runs till November 23rd. The gift is on a table and there is also a male version available. Blondie announced it in FabFree chat. Thanks for the tip Blondie!!
I didn't know where to find these boots, until Blondie told me they were at the fair. In the meanwhile I was looking around in the Moda store. They have several Midnight Mania boards and also some lucky boards. I was so lucky to get this great yellow top there!
The Dirty Turkey hunt runs till November 30th, and there are some great gifts in this hunt. You can find a HINT & LINK page here which is very helpful. What are you looking for in this hunt? Well a round box with a turkey on it!
I started at Razor, which is #1 in this hunt, and I found the round box with the turkey on it there! Took me quite a while I must say! But after I unpacked it, it was sooo worth the search! This leather jacket will go great with Blackburns jeans (free on Marketplace) and the worker boots by Moda (see above). A really tough look!

And to complete this tough look you could decide to go find that hunt item at Cutie Poison, which is #13 in this hunt. You get a great ring with a cross on it, and something I am wearing as belly piercings, but I think they should go much lower.... There is a hud included and with this hud you can change the metal and the stones in colour. Just showing you a few options.