I don't know if you ever noticed the chat box to the right on my blog? You can leave a comment there, and as I make a new blog entry each day, I see your comments on a daily basis. There is also a possibility to join as a follower, which does not mean you will get notices or mails or whatever. You will just be registered as a follower.
Anyway, I started my blog to share my finds with you all. I love to blog, even if it is a lot of work. On my blog you find a lot of different items each day, some you may like, some you don't like at all.
I am not forcing anyone to visit my blog. And I would really appreciate it that if you are not satisfied with my blog you would simply NOT visit it, or tell it to me in person. Leaving a hurtful comment is just sad because it shows that you were too lazy to put a nice comment here when you loved my blog.
Over to my blog for today. Let me start with the Designer Circle. Their 66th round runs till November 16th so you still have time to get all the great offers there. And what did I find?
Well Kanou has some awesome dresses on offer at the Designer Circle. They come in 3 great colours, perfect for Fall. These dresses are 80 L$ each.

Another participant in the Designer Circle is Baboom. If you always wanted to be a super hero...or if you want to look HOT..... hop over to the Designer Circle and pick up this great Kylee cat suit outfit in red. It is just 100 L$ and the lace over the eyes is included, so are the wrist bands.

Then I grabbed this great dress by BLAHblahBlah. It is available at the Designer Circle for 99 L$ but you are also getting a HUD with this dress, which means you can change the texture/colour just by using that hud. And how many options do you get? Well look below...

Over to WoW skins. They are participating in the Second Life Fashion week, and they have the lovely Guisy skins there. They come in 3 skin tones and ALL appliers are included. These skins are NOT free.

Then I did a bit of hunting. The Dirty Turkey Hunt started and it is a fun hunt to do. There is a HINT & LINK page included, which is very helpful.
I landed at Epic, which is #2 in the Dirty Turkey hunt. You are looking for a round box with a turkey on it. If you can locate it at Epic you will get there awesome Fall antlers :) The antlers hold a face light, hence the light picture.
And Bangles and Baubles also have a great gift inside their Turkey hunt box. They are #4 in the Dirty Turkey hunt and you will be the proud owner of these great black & white bangles if you find the Turkey at their store.
If you are wondering where I got that cute brown dress, well it is another gift in the Dirty Turkey hunt! This dress is the gift inside the box at Cynful which is #11 in the Dirty Turkey hunt. So go hunting ladies if you want this dress!