One of my favourite places to shop is Marketplace. You can find a lot there, great quality (sometimes a bit less quality), cheap or expensive. There is a way to search to avoid going through many DEMO's. I noticed not many of you know how, so I will explain here.
Type what you are looking for in the white search line, for example: dress. Then add NOT demo (mind the caps!) So there will be: dress NOT demo. Then hit search. You will get a lot of results, but my guess is that you like free or below 10 L$? Well go to the left of the page and click 0-10 L$ where it says Price. Or change the 0-10 L$ to 0-0 L$ for totally free.
And what did I find there? How about this cute burlesque corset? it is by Cain and it is free! The panties are not included, they are by PrettyGirl and they are 1 L$.
The lovely jewellery is the Celeste special edition, which is on sale at Lazuri for just 349 L$, group members only!

Then I found something warmer. It is fall after all! This great white sweater can be worn as a dress or a sweater and it is by MYNX...and the price? 0 L$!
The great jeans are by Blackburns and they are free. You get a black and a white pair.

Another great outfit is the Say Yes dress. It is of course by Say Yes and it is free including the boots!
A few weeks ago I got the great nails by Slink. They are so easy to wear and there are a lot of appliers on offer on Marketplace that work great with the SLINK nails. The SLINK nails set is 150 L$. This applier is by Te*Amo and it is free.
But there are more nails to find on Marketplace! Like these by Lyla. They have ORANGE and CRIMSON ones for free! Adjusting them is a bit of a hustle because you have to do that in edit and edit linked, which means adjust each nail by hand.The next nails are by Chelley's and they are also free. Lovely pink nails ladies.
And just to make you smile some TOXIC nails by AKA. They are free, but if you are going to wear them? Let me know!
Over to something quite different. I landed at UNA and wow...they have a lot of great group gifts! Joining the group is free! There is a wearable fish bowl, but there are also a lot of outfits, shirts and other cute stuff! So what is keeping you here?
The green top is by Jane (free, look for intrinsic tanks).