This is a special time of the year, Christmas time. I just love this song by Bryan Adams...something about Christmas time.
But my blog is still my blog....and today you will find some awesome offers by the Designer Circle on my blog, but also some more hunting in the Peace on Earth hunt.
But first the Designer Circle. Their current round runs till January 3rd, so you still have time to hop over and grab those awesome offers you can find there. Nothing at the Designer Circle is over 100 L$!
Ashmoot has some great offers there. You can find a fun bowler hat at the Designer Circle by Ashmoot, a black jumpsuit, a sexy corset and elegant strong heels for SLINK HIGH feet. Each item is 99 L$ which means that this complete outfit is 396 L$. It looks awesome!
However I found a few free items that might replace some of the above. Like these bowler hats (free), or these black shoes for SLINK (free) or this black outfit with corset (free) or this corset (10 L$). It might not look as beautiful as the one by Ashmoot though.
The lovely skin I am wearing is Monica Golden, make up version #4. This skin is a new release by WoW skins (NOT free) and comes in 5 great skin tones. Each skin tone comes in 5 make up versions and a natrual version.
The lovely hair is by Tameless and it is called Zaida. Zaida comes in several different packs, naturals, fades and fantasy, and each pack comes with a colour change HUD which changes the hair tone into 30 different ones. 249 L$ per colour pack including the HUD.
The next offer at the Designer Circle is by Icewerk. They have these lovely Temptation sheer overlay dresses on offer for just 100 L$ each. The dresses come in 5 great colours and the hardest part will be to decide which colour is your favorite one! The lovely stockings are included.
My last find at the Designer Circle for today are the elelant Skivvy dresses Loordes of London has on offer there. Each of these beautiful winter dresses is just 75 L$ and there are 5 great colours to chose from!
Over to the Peace on Earth Hunt. This hunt runs till January 6th and there are 117 stores to visit. There is a LINK page available (NO hints) which is helpful if you get stuck or if stores are not ready yet.
In this hunt you are looking for a blue globe (earth) with a white dove on it. All gifts are free.
I landed at #17 Nya's Store. And yes I did locate that globe at their store and inside I found this awesome little black dress with lovely sequin work all over the dress. I am wearing another hunt gift with this dress. A lovely necklace with star which is hiden inside the globe at #9 Vintage Jewels.
My next stop in this hunt was at #7 Snowpaws. I found this elegant bow dress inside the hunt globe and it is just perfect for Christmas....Do you want to unwrap me?
Another participant in this hunt is #13 OMG. If you can locate the hunt globe at their store this fun red Christmas dress is yours to wear! I am wearing another hunt gift with this dress, which you can find inside the hunt globe at #37 Delly Beams jewellery.My last find is this beauty by #8 Styles by Danielle. So if you want to look as stylish as I do in this dress you have to go hunting is totally worth it!