Hi there Readers!
I just love this Euphoria song by Loreen and while I was taking the pictures below I was listening to this song....you will see why!
These fun poses going UP UP UP are by Icons of Style and you can find them at the Designer Circle. You get 6 poses including the balloons for 60 L$.
The lovely bikini I am wearing on these pictures is by [Infliction]. The bikini is called Cross out bikini and it comes in no less than 4 great colours for 99 L$ each. You can find them at the Designer Circle untill August 16th.
The lovely skin I am wearing today is by WOW skins and it is available at the Designer Circle for just 99 L$ per skin tone. There are 3 skin tones to chose from and all applliers are also available. The name of this beauty is Rayene and I am wearing the Dark Tan version with cleavage.
The hair I am wearing is by Tameless and it is called Cecelia (249 L$ for a fat pack with 30 colours). Tameless has added a BRAND NEW HUD to their hairs which has many options and is so incredibly easy to use!!
Then I found a a great bikini with crochet overlay on the Aloha Fair 2014. This fair rund will August 16th and you can find many freebies or dollarbies there. You have to look of a surf board in each store (they are NOT hidden, they are in plain sight) and buy these surf boards for 0, 1 or more L$. I found this great bikini in the surf board at Simply Magic and it is free!
The cute sunglasses are by Hollyhood and you can find them on the Aloha Fair 2014 in a up-on-your-hair version and an on-your-nose version and they are both free.
Now if you are using a landmark from my blog to go to the Aloha fair 2014 you will land at a landing point. Now how to find the right store? Well copy and paste the LM from my blog in nearby chat. Then right click the landmark on your screen and chose *show on map*. A small red Arrow will appear on your screen, pointing at the exact spot where I found the store. You have to walk or fly there because teleport will land you at the landing spot again.

Over to some hunting. Well I did the Battle of the Sexes hunt and this hunt runs till August 20th. There are 42 shops participating, and you can find a HINT & LINK page HERE. You are looking for a square box with the logo of the hunt on it. However...there are a lot of gaps in this hunt, some shops are closed or vanished and some landmarks don't lead you to a shop but to a sex club or a gaming club. So it wasn't really a pleasure to do this hunt, but the shops that were there and had the hunt gift out were GREAT! Thank you designers for these great gifts!
So I found this great Kiss my .... dress inside the hunt box at #9 B!asta. I love it...and I especially love the text on my hiney! Hunt gifts in this hunt are all free.
And then I landed at Sin Original, which is the starting point of this hunt. I found their hunt box and inside was this lovely red & white outfit!!
Sin Original also has a Midnight Mania board at their store and I got this outfit from it. It is actually for guys as you might see, but it doesn't fit too bad on my figure. Shades are included.
My next stop in this hunt was #6 D&G and they have this cute Girly Girl outfit hidden inside their hunt box. You only have to find it to get this lovely pink set!
Toxic H is also participating in this Battle of the Sexes hunt, but I will show you their hunt gift later. For now I will only show you what I got from their Midnight Mania boards! Get your friends over to click, the target is low!