The lovely color change shoes are by HOC Industries (not free).
Then I went to Dimbula Rose and they have 2 lucky boards with a lovely Halloween outfit. Good luck ladies !
The next outfits are new released Halloween outfits by BDR (Beautiful Dirty Rich). I especially love the red devil one, it brings out the real me *giggles*. (as they are new releases they are NOT FREE !)
However the sexy witch outfit is 1 L$ and it is also by BDR. You can find it on Marketplace.

The next Tee is by ThirteenTH and it is 75 L$ at their store, along with a lot of other Halloween outfits.I know it is not free, but I actually liked it very much :)
No worries I found some really nice freebies too. Like these outfits by Nomine. They are from their lucky and unlucky chairs,and there is also a Fortune teller with a GREAT Halloween skin (allas, this skin wasn't written in my future). BUT I did get a skin and hair from their Midnight Mania board :)
And this cute jacket is not really Halloween stuff, but it is the new lucky board price at [AV] (Awram Vie). The jeans are by PD jeans (not free). The cute white jaguar coat is also from the lucky board at [AV].
Just one more Midnight Mania board, this time at Alloro. I got this lovely gown there, not really perfect for Halloween, but perfect for a night dancing.
I found some more Halloween items on Marketplace. Like this cute witch gown with hat by Moulliez.
Or this sexy witch dress by Starchild. It is 1 L$ on Marketplace. I am wearing the gothic angel boots with this dress and they are also 1 L$.
The last one for today is also a witch dress but this time by Lala FP for builders. It is a lovely gown with sexy boots.