Or you can get these skins for free. They are a group gift by Urban Girl. Join the group and check notices. The skin is called Alison. The LM will lead you to the Urban Girl 10 L$ store.
If you got the lovely Unique Megastore skin Melissa in nude (natural) you can go for this lovely lipstick by Eyelure. They have these lovely shades on Marketplace for just 49 L$ for the fatpack.

And all beautiful and done up you could hop over to the lucky chair at Siss Boom. They have loads of great new stuff in their lucky chair and it is worth the wait for your letter !!
Look below what I got ! Aren't that the most gorgious dresses?

Or you can get those lovely 60 L$ offers by Sascha's Design. They are ever so cute and the ones from last week are still available too !
This next lovely dress is the gift Vita's Boudoir gave their group members this week ! It is a lovely spring dress. Amazing as always.
22769 has a great group gift this month too ! A lovely blue and white outfit, perfect for sailing, shopping or just being beautiful ! (Jewelry is not included).
22769 also is participating in the Depraved Spring Madness hunt. If you find the hunt item at their store these great pants (ONKY the pants, not the shirt) are yours. There is also a male gift available.
And 22769 has this great new item in the Gallery Gift shop.It is available till 15th of April.
There are many hunts going on at the moment and Paris Metro is particpating in the Fashioncentric Hi5 hunt. If you find the hunt item at their store this great hot cocktail dress is yours :)
And Cilian'gel has these great new releases at their store. The gowns are called Gor Empire and they come in many lovely colors. NEW release, so not free. BUT !!! Cilian'gel is participating in the Pot O Gold hunt and if you find the hunt item at teh store the lovely Got Empire in green is yours !
Over to Virtual Impressions. They have this lovely new group gift, a beautiful necklace an earrings set for their group members. Perfect to wear with these lovely gowns :)
These lovely coats (and not only these) are the newest release at Boho Hobo. Thery are lovely velvet coats in different colors. New release so NOT free. Showing you just 2 versions, there are more available at the store.
Hat comes withthe coats. The leggings and tops are freebies by Jane.
And the last one for today is the lovely hair by Pomme d'Amour. It is called Stardust hair and it is their newest release (NOT free).
Happy shopping ladies !!!