And do you have any idea how much work that is? I can't feel my SL feet anymore and I am sooo tired. I just want to relax ! And how can I do that better than in this lovely chair which is the hunt gift in the Mix & Match hunt at Oh Shoot? The Mix & Match hunt starts on April 1st and you have to look for a kind of small pillow (see pic below). The hunt gift at Oh Shoot is not only the chair, you also get the fun suspenders! The jeans are by HOC Industries (free) and the top is an older freebie by Jane.
And now you want to know what I shopped for you today I here goes: I found this GREAT set of easter baskets and easter eggs (full perm) on Marketplace. You can style your basket in any way you like ! The basket and eggs are by Ivanka Akina.
And as I love Easter, I shopped a bit more, looking for cute Easter stuff. Like this cute Bunny necklace which is just 1 L$.
Or you can hop hop hop over to Viviane Fashion and get any of their LOVELY LOVELY Easter outfits ! The outfits are 49 L$ each, the great matching sneakers are just 25 L$ each !!!
The next sneakers by Viviane Fashion are just 1 L$ on Marketplace.
If that is not enough for you there are plenty cute outfits for Easter on Marketplace ! Like this bunny outfit by Milly Molly.
Or you can get this funny bunny outfit by Thalia Fashion for just 1 L$.
Another very sinister bunny outfit is the next one byVels Boutique fashion. 1 L$ to be a sinister bunny ! The sinister boots or the sinister slippers are included.
If you are not really into the bunny stuff, maybe you will like this elegant Easter dress with the matching egg basket by Naughty &Nice. The outfit is called Envy. 1 L$ for this dress with the Easter eggs.
Last one for today is the sexy lingerie by Selvas Design. The cute easter basket is included.
WOW isn't that the perfect outfit to end your Easter sunday?
Outside trees are blossoming, birds are making nests, the cows are back in the meadows and we breathe SPRING !! So all winter clothes are going to be packed in boxes...and we are going shopping for those elegant fun spring dresses ladies ! This first elegant gown is a special by Sascha's design. The gown is called Trouble and don't we all love to get into Trouble if it is so lovely? ALL Trouble gowns are just 300 L$ for the time being and there are no less than 14 colors !
You could desice to wear the lovely Tressa stilettos by Polished with this lovely gown or with all the cute dresses I am showing you below ! They are a new release, but they are sooo SPRING !! 250 L$ per pair for these lovely heels or 1000 L$ for a fatpack.
The WHO's THAT GIRL Hunt starts on sunday April 1st (no joke!) and I showed you a lot of the gifts already. But these I didn't show before. Very cute shoes by The Shoe Bazaar. You have to find the letters WTG at the store to get them but not before April 1st ladies !
Or you can get this great skin atKyxe skins & shapes. They are also participating in the Who's that Girl hunt so you have to find the letters WTG there to get this elegant skin !
Kyxe also has a group gift, this lovely skin called Alyssa Dark Mistique. Joining the group is free.
These spring MESH Tee shirts are by Boho Hobo. The prints on the tee shirts are Trills real life paintings ! So you will have a very original Tee for just 55 L$! Perfect for spring girls.
Then I found this cute dress on Marketplace and it is byDu Papillon. The dress is called Spring Breeze and you can understand why ! 1 L$ for this lovely dress.
And this next dress is also by Du Papillon and it is a freebie. The name is Pointy.
I found this cute yellow dress at A&K and it is called Happy Easter sun dress. 1 L$ for this sunny dress! The cute cloggs are included.
And if you are sleeping late on those lazy spring sundays you can wear these PJ pants by Digital Girls designs and you have to pay 1 L$ for a pack of 4 colors.
The lovely tops I am wearing with these pants are by Oh Shoot and they are their new group gift ! Joining the group is free !
The cute shoes are by Patula House and they are 1 L$.
The group gift byOh Shoot actually is not one but TWO tops. I am wearing the other top with the cute baggy pants byNoirilliccious. The baggy pants are just 1 L$ and the shoes are the Patula House shoes, blogged above.
I styled another pair of the cute PJ pants byDigital Girls Design with the lovely red off-shoulder top by Sweet Poison. 1 L$ for the pack of 4 PJ pants, the top is free.
That Sweet Poison top is so great ! You can style it with the cute lace skirt I found on Marketplace. It is called Doris. The top and skirt together look like a cute little dress!
Or you can style the Sweet Poison top with the cute half pants by Edge Grafica. I also am wearing the cute tartan scarf by Edge Grafica to spice the outfit up.
AndNoirillicious doesn't only have the cute baggy pants at their store, they also have 2 very cute grunge ioveralls, perfect for those sunny spring days ! We all like to get a tan ! 1 L$ for the overalls in grey and blue.
If the SL sun doesn't provide you with a nice tan you can get this great skin by Gravity skin. It has a lovely skintone and I love the half lipstick. 1 L$ for this elegant skin.
Back to the spring dresses. How about this elegant dress by Roxy, called Like a poppy? You can find it on Marketplace for
Or this elegant boho style skirt and top? It is called Summer long skirt and it is just 1 L$. The shop is called D'Sastre clothing.
Another great gown for a spring dance is this one by Omeya. I love the butterfly decoration on the top !
Over to Pas de Deux. They have some really nice dollarbies (1 L$) at the store. I got the free Leotard with the ballet shoes. And a sweet light green spring dress. And the cute black cocktail dress.
So many times I try to make a blog with a theme. Like just gowns, or just hair, or a blog all in red. And then I get some cute stuff that isn't a gown, hair nor red...and I get another free gift which also isn't red, hair nor a gown...and the dilemma is: should I put it on the blog or just stick to the theme? You all know by now that I just stick it on the blog because I don't want you all to MISS it !! OK enough with the talking. I paint in RL and I was soo surprised that GrafittiWear has changed their unlucky dip and you get this very cute painters outfit if you are unlucky enough !
GrafittiWear also changed their Midnight Mania board ( just 40 clicks needed) and their Lucky board too.
Then I asw the new releases at GrafittiWear, cute pants called Folded pants in 6 colors and they are 65 L$ each or 350 for the fatpack. (top not included)
GrafittiWear also released MOD pants in 3 colors. Each color is 85 L$ and the fatpack of 3 is 250 L$. With this outfit the top is included.
Then I got this GREAT Chichickiehair called Hollie. THe subscribers get the dark red color as a gift. The fatpack is color change with a hud and very easy to wear and change !
The Who's that Girl hunt is starting very soon and I showed you a pic of the gift by Loordes of London yesterday. I forgot however the PRIM part, so here is the pic as it should have been. Gift in the Who's that Girl hunt ladies and the hunt starts on April 1st.
Another hunt that is starting on April 1st is the Crazy Arse Hair Hunt #3. Ohh I love this hunt and I can't wait till it starts !! All crazy hair in this hunt... I got a sneak preview from the gift that Glamour Designs #64 is hiding in this hunt !!!
And Sacred Roses has a celebration going on ! They celebrate the 100st Monday Mania and if you are member of this Monday Mania group you get sooo many cute gifts ! Get the note with all the participating stores at Sacred Roses and get their gift too !
These next outfits are all new releases by Pirate Arts. All mesh too, so actually I am beginning to LIKE Mesh !! Actually I got these items in a blogger pack and I didn't know how much they were. The MESH boots are 390 L$ per pair, and the shoes are 290 L$ per pair ! So not really cheap. I still wanted to show you them, but they are quite expensive. Their group is free to join though and they have a few very nice group gifts (shoes and boots, hair and a cute jacket)
Over to Urban Girl. They send their group members some GREAT free outfits ! And ofcourse they have this 10 L$ shop where ALL outfits and ALL skins are just 10 L$ each. Wow, thank you Urban Girl !!
Last one for today is an elegant pants & top outfit I found on Marketplace. It is called Seattle Fatpack and it is 1 L$