Today a blog with only skins, hence the title: skinny love. Not all skins are free, some are rather expensive, but I promise there are also free skins on my blog!
Let me start with the beautiful Nicole skin by WoW skins. You can find this elegant skin at the OMG room. This room has many great offers, and I will blog those later on. But Nicole is there too, in no less than 4 great skin tones for just 100 L$ per skin tone. Appliers are available there too.
The perfect hair is by Truth, Virginie in reds (NOT free).
The hair below the first picture is by Tameless and it is called Erica (249 L$ for a fat pack of all natural colours).
The freckle layers I am using are by Glamorize and they are 5 L$ per pack of 4 on Marketplace.
Then WoW skins has this really beautiful Selene skin at the Thrift shop. I think Selene looks perfect with red hair and freckles, but I am prejudiced...being a red head in real life. Selene comes in 4 skin tones and in many make up versions. I am showing you make up version#2 and #5 and all available skin tones below. The hair on the first picture is by Elikatira and it is called Caramel firy reds (NOT free).
The hair on the pictures below is by Tameless and it is called Erica (NOT free).
The last skin by WoW skins is Rafaela. Rafaela is a new release and you can find her at the WOW skins store for 350 L$ per skin tone.
The lovely curly hair is by Calico Ingmann Creations and it is called Larya (NOT free).
The hair on the lower pictures is Erica again by Tameless (NOT free).
The next skins are all free. You can find them on Marketplace. These first skins are by Inaya. They have these awesome ethnic skins in several skin tones for free on Marketplace. This first skin is called Soha and Soha comes in 3 skin tones. The curly hair I am wearing with this skin is by Calico Ingmann Creations and it is called Larya red. (NOT free).
Then I got Ariyana which is also a skin by Inaya. This skin is free and it comes in 1 skin tone. With this skin tone you get 9 make up versions, ranging from modest to very bright. You can see the different make ups on their Marketplace page.
The last skin by Inaya is called Doroteia. This skin comes in 3 skin tones and you can find it for free on Marketplace.
My last find for today is by [PUMEC] and it is available on Marketplace for free. The skin is called Vlada and all appliers are included. I am wearing the one with red eyebrows, but you get blond and black too. Just a great skin to wear ladies!!