Just sit down with a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy my blog today. It is all about the Summer Fashion Festival on the ArisAris sim. There are a lot of cute beach cottages there, occupied with different designers. Each designer also has an ice cream cone at their store and these cones are either 0 or 1 L$. Inside you will find lovely gifts and I am going to show you what I found.
I will give you the name of the store that has the gifts I am showing you so you can find their cottage on the Summer Fashion Festival (do an area search).
This festival runs till July 6th so don't wait to long to go over there!
The lovely skin I am wearing is Azzurra in dark tan and this skin is on offer at the Summer Fashion festival by WoW skins. You can also find a lovely skin inside their ice cream cone.
This first dress is hidden inside the ice cream cone at Glitzz store.
The lovely jewellery is the Heritage Pearl set by Lazuri. which is NOT free, but the set is colour change and you can adjust it to every outfit you want to wear.
And this dress is the gift inside the ice cream by KL Couture.
My next find is yet another great dress. To get this lovely dress you have to find the ice cream cone at the cottage by Sky.
And this sweet bright summer dress is by DAF02, and the dress is called Bananas Summer dress. The cute shoes are included.
The next dress looks a bit Kawai to me and it is by ArisAris. You can find it inside their Ice cream cone, but there is more, you also get these lovely golden booties.
Then I got these cute shirts at the Summer Fashion Festival. The shirts are by Stars Fashion and they come with a hud so you can change them into a lot of colours. The cute capri pants are by BlahBLAHblah and they come in 3 colours. The flipflops for flat SLINK feet (675 L$ per pair of feet) are also hidden inside an ice cream cone and you have to find the cottage by Lavarock Creations and pick up the ice cream cone there. I am wearing the same capris by BlahBLAHblah with the lovely pink shirt SLC has hidden inside their ice cream cone.
I also found some very cute hair hidden inside one of the ice cream cones. You have to find the cottage by Vanity hair to get this lovely hair. The skin I am wearing with this hair is by Style by Kira and it is hidden inside their ice cream cone.
My last one for today...this is actually not free, it is the Azzurra dark tan skin by WoW skins (which you can find at the Summer Fashion Festival for 450 L$ per skin tone including ALL appliers) and the lovely wet green eyes are form the Lucky chairs at WoW skins.