Today I want to show you a few new releases, which are not free. But also some hunting in the 7th Unknown Hunt. And some shopping on Marketplace...Ember Tuqiri gave me a few tips for some great finds :) Thanks Ember :)
But first a few new releases. Actually that lovely skin called Jada, by WoW skins, is their April group gift. Joining the group is 200 L$.
I am wearing another new release with this skin, a release by Tameless, lovely hair called Petra. (3 color packs: Naturals with all 16 natural colors, Fades with 16 ombre and tipped colors, and Fantasy with 16 fantasy colors. Each color pack is $249. The Mega Pack with all colors are $499L). You can find a DEMO HERE.
Tameless released another great hairstyle too, called Viola. I will blog that later on.
The lovely jewelry I am wearing is the Noor set by Lazuri (not free). Sometimes all a girl needs is a lovely skin great hair, her jewelry and her panties...
Then I found some great gifts in the 7th Unknown Hunt. In this hunt you are looking for a hummingbird (or is it a dove?). There is a hint page available HERE and it is very helpful! This hunt runs till April go hunting ladies before it closes!
This first cute top I found at the starting point of the hunt, Sleeping Koala. I am wearing the other new release by Tameless with this top. This hair is called Viola and you can find a DEMO HERE.
This next dress is the hunt gift at Even Flow. A lovely elegant dress. You only have to find that bird at their store to get it! The jewelry is by Lazuri.
Then I hopped over to Baubles Brand and they also have this cute bird hidden at their store! Inside is this great Peacock Dress...perfect for a night out at the town!
Another great dress including the shoes is the gift you can find inside the bird at Original Sin. I love this cute dress, and the shoes are a perfect match. You just have to find that bird ladies !!
My next great find is this sexy leather jacket. You know, I love to wear dreses or gowns, but sometimes a girl has to show her wild side! This jacket is perfect for that! You can find it inside the hunt bird at KJIM.
If you can find the bird at U Refined, you can style this great leather jacket above with some really cool shoes. Cause these shoes are the gift inside their cute bird!
And this tattoo shows your wildside too! It is by Millenium Abuse and if you find the bird at their store it is yours! You get all layers so it is perfect to wear! I am wearing the Petra hair by Tameless with this tattoo, and it is the Fantasy pack.
Over to Marketplace. I Always love to shop there, no running around, just clever searching and finding the cutest gifts. I went to HooDGirlz ladies and I found an amazing pile of free stuff there! OH MY...this package called November Gift contains a whole WARDROBE!!! Wow...and it is totally free too! Believe it or not, the nails, jewelry and shoes are ALL included, except for the gold necklace on the first picture. This necklace is by Twishee and it is 1 L$.
Then I found another great dress by HooDGirlz, very 60th and very much fun to wear! That is also my last find for today ladies!