Hi readers, I hope you are not fed up by now with my accessorize blogs. I still have a lot of great finds left, so there is another blog coming with more hair, more shoes and more jewellery. And some clothes.
Let me quickly start with the lovely hairdos I found on Marketplace bu Gesammtkunstwerk. They make HUGHE hair and I found 2 great ones for free. Just fun to wear ladies. The first one is called Griddie and you get a fatpack with colors. The second one is called Puschel and again you get a fatpack.
If you like more modest hair, maybe the Leona hairdo by EMO-tions is the one for you?
Or if you like a short hairdo, Tameless has a fatpack with all colors of their Ellie hair on Marketplace for free. Just showing you a few examples.
Another store that offers lots of free hair is Edelstore. This first hairdo is called Heidi.
This hairdo is also by Edelstore and it is called Jazz. The cute hat is included.
The next hairdo by Edelstore is called Reley, a long curly hairdo.
And the last hairdo by Edelstore is Tracy, a lovely short bob.
This hairdo is by Amy Fashion and it is called Eliza Blond hair. I agree: blond doesn't look really good on me, but it might look great on you!
Over to the jewellery. I showed you already quite a lot, but I found more! How about this great necklace by Sadalbari? It is called STAR necklace and it is free on Marketplace. The hair is a free hairdo by Alli & Ali Design, called Ylva. This offer is for a limited time, so don't wait too long to get it. I actually found some great matching star earrings for this necklace, but I didn't have the time to take a pic. You can find themHERE (free).
There are some more great earrings at Sadalbari, these ones are called LOVE earrings.
The next earrings are by Soulsick and they are called Warm sunset earrings. They go great with your gowns, but also with a tee-shirt and jeans!
Over to some great gowns ..because if you are anything like me, I just love to wear great jewellery and hair with a matching gown. Or the other way around...I found a few great gowns on Marketplace and this first one is by Telsiope. The gown is called Altea and it is 1 L$.
The next gown is by Haus of Gaga and it is called Summetime Passion gown. This gown will set you back 2 L$. It is a great gown to wear to your summer parties ladies.
Last gown is actually also a dress. It is by Angelus Design and it is called Spring time Teal. The dress is 1 L$. I am wearing very cute shoes with this dress and they are by Roly Poly. They are called Josephine and you get a version with and one without the bows.
This next dress is just a fun summer dress ladies. I saw it and smiled....it makes you want to dance on the beach! The dress is by FF and it is calledFeyda.
You know what would be great to wear with this dress? The cute hair by Tuty's. It comes with a lovely hat and you get 3 great colors!
Then I really couldn't resist these red shoes...they have diamonds on the heels and the front and they are just too gorgeous to leave them on Marketplace. They are by Orange Blossom Design.
Hi readers. There is a cute short hunt going on at Sascha's design due to the abdiction of the throne by Queen Beatrix and the inauguration of our new King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima. There are 3 silver crowns hidden in the store (no need to use the stairs, they are all on the ground floor). You have to pay 10 L$ for each crown. There are 3 hints available: * Queen Maxima's crown * One of the greatest actresses from the early 20th Century in Peach * The Vantage Crown
In each crown is a part of this lovely gown below, called Farewell to the Queen gown. It is partly mesh. The hunt runs till MAY 5th! The lovely skin I am wearing with this gown is by WoW skins and it is called Fiona in milk. It is for the Second Life Fashion Event.
I styled the lovely gown with a group gift (joining is free) hair by Pocket Mirrors, called Scarlet. The lovely jewellery is the newest group gift by Virtual Impressions.
Hi readers, I hope you liked my jewellery blog yesterday! Today I am concentrating on hair! We all know a gown or any outfit can be made extra perfect when you are wearing the perfect hairdo ! So I picked up a few great hairdos in different styles for you!
Here goes: Let me start with a few free hair bases, just in case you need those. You can get a free pack at Exile or at their Marketplace store. Or you can get one at Catwa. Or you can get them at Eep. Or you can get them for 1 L$ at Amacci.
The first hairdo is by Beautiful Dirty Rich. It is called Lois. The hair can be changed in edit, so you can adjust the colour if you like. You can find this hair in the free fatpack.
I found a few more hairstyles for free at Beautiful Dirty Rich, like this one, called Selma. You can find itr in the free fat pack of hair.
And this next hairdo, called Uma, is also free byBeautiful Dirty Rich. You can find it in the free fat pack.
This hairdo is called Maddy and it is perfect to wear with a gown. You can find it at Beautiful Dirty Rich.
Beautiful Dirty Rich also has a HUGHE fatpack on Marketplace. It contains many hairstyles and they are just too cute! I can't show them all, but I am showing you below a few examples.
Over to Alli & Ali hair. It is one of my favourite stores and they have so many free hairstyles, you won't believe it! ATTENTION: The free offers are just for a limited time, so don't wait too long to get the hair you like !! I am showing you 12 free hairstyles by Alli & Ali hair below, the names are linked to the Marketplace store by Alli & Ali hair. This hairdo is calledAmandine.
Dear readers. Sometimes I am wearing a gorgeous gown but I really can't decide which jewellery to wear with it. Or which hairdo. Anyway I was looking for some cheap or free jewellery, and for some great free or cheap hairdo's I found so much that they will be on 3 blogs! So today my blog is all about jewellery and I will add a few great gowns to wear the jewellery with. Let me start with the many group gifts I picked up at Finesmith. The group is free to join and there are many great gifts. The lovely updo is by Pocket Mirrors and it is called Myrtle. You get a pack of 4 colors for 1 L$.
Then I walked over to Marketplace where I found this lovely set by LC, called Spirit of the Sun. To my surprise today it is completely gone! But I found other diamond earrings and a matching necklace by LC. Each is 1 L$. The lovely hair is called Ylva and it is by Alli & Ali hair (offer is for s limited time, so don't wait too long to get it).
I am wearing this diamond necklace set wit a lovely gown by Ignoto, called Larissa gown. You get a pack of 5 lovely colours for 1 L$.
The next find is a lovely long necklace by MyLady. It is free on Marketplace. The lovely earrings from the Fall Collection by JCNY are free and they will go great with this necklace.
You could decide to wear the lovely gown by CW, called Tolerance of love with this set. I can't believe it...it was free and now it is 75 L$! Which is not much, but I can't believe that a lot of items I picked up for free all of a sudden are raised in price! Sorry for that ladies...It is a lovely gown though. I hope you can feel my frustration, this happened a few times now this week!
Anyway I found another jewellery set that would go great with this gown. A lovely set n gold and I checked: it still is free. The set is called Lullaby gold and it is by C&C.
Over to my last find. A great pair of earrings called Encircled earrings and they are free by Amorous.