Envious...ah well actually that is a store with a Midnight Mania board and 6 lucky chairs with several outfits. And you do not need a group to sit on these chairs or click the Midnight Mania board!
And the skins...well you can get them for free. They are group gifts and the groups are free to join. So keep reading!
The elegant skin I am wearing is by WoW skins and she is called Erica in tan. You can find Erica in tan (including LNL Omega appliers) at the Pixra event for just 99 L$.
The lovely hair is a free colour demo pack, which is fully wearable. You can find it at the Lelutka store on a small table, the name is Megan.

Then I went to LAQ. I had a bad encounter with LAQ when I was new, so I actually never went to their store again. But now their group was free to join and they had this nice group gift skin Camille. So I got that one and want to show it to you. You get a huge fat pack of this Camille skin.
The hair I am wearing is called India and it is from the Midnight Mania board at Besom. You will need their group tag, the group is free to join. You get a fat pack of this hair with many huds.
And last but not least I went to Zoul and their group is also free to join. They have ONE group gift from April 2015. This great skin.