Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sascha's Designs, cute hair, Izumiya and some hunting to do.

Morning readers on this lovely Saturday!
Today I am going to start with the newest 60 L$ offers by Sascha's Designs, and with their newest weekly half price gown offer. Each week there are 3 new 60 L$ offers, and this week you can grab a lovely Autumn coat for just 60 L$ or a sweet cocktail dress in sky, called Arrogance, of that little black dress we can't do without (and this dress is called Gisele).
The lovely skin & shape are by WoW skins, Valentina (NOT free)
The jewellery is by Lazuri and the set is called Saffi.
My hair is Deanne by Tameless hair (NOT free).
Sascha's Designs also has one of their best selling gowns for half the regular price each week. This week it is the elegant Trocadero in silver. This gown has many options as you can see below! And the price? Just 275 L$ this week only!
Over to Little Bones. They have some awesome hair for group members ladies, and joining their group is free! What you do: Join the group and check past notices. The hair is there. The hair bases are NOT included, but you can get free hair bases on Marketplace, for example by Catwa, Exile and Eep.
There is a great hunt going on, the Autumn Effect hunt. There is a HINT & LINK page available and it is very helpful! Especially if you can't find the hunt item. What you are looking for is a round box with the logo of the hunt on it.
I found a few great outfits in this hunt, so here goes: This first outfit is by Leri Miles and this shop is #4 in the hunt.
The cute boots are another gift in this hunt and they are yours if you can locate the hunt item at DUH!
The next shirt is by Razor and that is also the starting point of this hunt. I styled the shirt with jeans by Blackburns (free on Marketplace, you get a black and a blue pair) and with the boots by DUH!
Then I went to a store I knew from my early SL days: Izumiya. They have plenty free items, I just picked up a few. Go to the 2nd floor for the free stuff.
I got some great bracelets, tops, bags and painters overalls.