Wednesday, July 20, 2016

New skin, new hair, new shoes

Good morning Readers!
Today on my blog a new skin, new hair and new shoes. The skin is not free, it is the newest group gift at  WoW skins. It is Katty 2016 and I am wearing the the darktan version with cleavage option. It is the newest group gift by WoW skins and you get a fat pack with all 6 new 2016 skin line skin tones including Omega adv head/body appliers for all skin tones. Joining the group is 399 L$ but there is a box with all previous skins (about 50) available at the entrance of the store.
REMEMBER: I am wearing freckle layers by Glamorize with all skins. The freckles are NOT INCLUDED! These freckle layers come in 4 versions, for 5 L$.
I am showing you the Katty 2016 skin below in all skin tones.
The lovely hair is Selena by Truth hair. I am wearing the RED version and this hair is 50 L$ per hair tone. You get 5 versions of each tone. The hair band is colour change by touch. Look for the back room sale.
Then I went to the Hair Fair 2016 as you already know. I found a lot of gifts there, but the most important thing is that they are raising money for WIGS FOR KIDS. You can support this great cause by buying hair from designers that donate part of their sales to this cause, or by buying a bandana or by just donating yourself.
So what did I find at the Hair Fair 2016?
This lovely hair is by Unorthodox. It is called Odell and it comes with several shaved head layers. Actually it is for guys, but hey...I tried it...and it doesn't look bad does it?
And this So Soon hair is by Vanity. You get these 4 hair tones.
This hair is by Mithral and it is called Barley. You get a lot of HUDS with this hair. Showing you just a few options below.
I am wearing this Barley hair with a few other gifts I picked up. This lovely jewelry set is the gift by EMO-tions.
And these head jewels are the gift by Dichotomy. There is a colour change HUD included.
PR!TTY is giving away this head band with kitty ears and 2 lovely necklaces.
And these flat caps are the gift you can find at Argrace. You get these 3 versions.
Last one I am showing with the Barley hair are the buns Sintiklia is giving away. They come with a colour change HUD and you can wear them with any hair.
Zalea has this lovely Fiona hair as a gift and this hair comes with a HUD which changes the tone of your hair in many lovely shades. Showing you a few possibilities below.
You also get these elegant pink shoes for Slink MID feet.
Over to Sweet E's Design. They have 3 Midnight Mania boards and 3 lucky chairs and I got a lovely top and a fun dress from these boards. You do not need a group to click these boards.
The jeans I am wearing are by Beautiful Dirty Rich. They have a free to join BDR GROUP and they have several great jeans fat packs as group gifts. Also a beautiful red satin body.