Today on my blog some more gifts from the Advent Calendars I follow. There are MANY advents calendars to find, here are two sites where you can fins lists of advent calendars: Fabfree Blog and Showtime Magazine.
And you will see some more offers from the Designer Circle. Their current round runs till December 12th so keep that date in mind if you want one of these great bargains.
Let me start with the lovely dresses by Glow Designs at the Designer Circle. These beautiful Samantha dresses come in 2 different colours and each one is 99 L$. Belleza Maitreya and Slink versions are included.
With these dresses I am wearing the beautiful earrings Baubles by Phe has on offer at the Designer Circle. These Swirl earrings come in silver and gold and you get both for 100 L$.
The skin I am wearing with these dresses is also on offer at the Designer Circle, by 7 Deadly S[k]ins. The name is Elske and this skin comes in 8 versions (for all viewers and with and without brows) and SLINK hands and feet appliers are included, so are Tango an PhatAzz appliers. Just 99 L$ for this beauty ladies.
The hair is Louisa hair from the subscribo at Truth hair.
7 Deadly S[k]ins has a free group join during December and they have 2 advent calendars, one for guys and one for gals. The group is needed, but as said: it is free to join. The Noelle Skin with blonde brows is todays gift for gals from this calendar.
Then I just fell for this cute dress by Sofie's Selection. You can find it at the Designer Circle in 3 versions. Each version comes with a colour change HUD which changes the colour into 4 different ones. This Robe Mulante is just 125 L$ including the HUD. Showing you one version below.
The jewelry I am wearing with this dress is by IT (Indulge Temptation) and it is their Crystallyne #6 set. They offer 6 sets to chose from at the Designer Circle and each one is 150 L$. The sets all are colour change, which means you can change the colour of the metal and the gems.
The next elegant dressing gowns are by Graffitiwear and they come in 2 versions: black and white. Each one is just 125 L$ at the Designer Circle. Versions for Maitreya Lara, Slink Physique, Belleza Venus are included and appliers for TMP and Omega too. The panties are included.
Over to the Advent Calendars. Entice has a group advent calendar, the group however is free to join. If you don't have groups left and you still want one of their great gifts, you can buy them for 25 L$. Below is the gift for today.
The skin I am wearing with this outfit only is Erica 2016 skin by WoW skins. You can find this beauty at the Designer Circle for just 199 L$ per skin tone. Omega head/body appliers are included and there are 6 skin tones to chose from.

Then I went to Loordes of London. They have a count down advent calendar which means you start clicking on #24 and then go down to #1. Below are the gifts from yesterday (the elegant shoes) and today (the Togatus dress). You will need to be in their group, but the group is free to join.
My next stop was at Moonstar by the sea and the lovely snowflake earrings below are their gift inside the advent calendar today. You do not need a group for this calendar.
The gifts I found inside the advent calendar at Dulce Secrets are also free and you do not need a group either. I got a lovely blush there and some awesome lashes. The eyes are also a gift at Dulce Secrets.
Over to my last stop for today at Soir. Their advent calendar is free and you do not need a group. This fun Christmas dress is yours if you click the right number.