Wednesday, July 19, 2017

What happened to the group gifts?

Good Morning Readers!
Do you remember the times when at the 1st of each month you went to all the stores which groups you joined because you would get a new group gift?
That has changed a lot, not many stores give out group gifts frequently anymore. However I found a few that do, and the group gifts of one of them are on my blog today.
You can also find a lovely dress including heels which I found on Marketplace, and a gorgeous dress by Entice, which is on offer at Mesh Body Addicts Bi-Monthly, which event runs till July 31st.
So I am going to start with the Pollyanna dresses by Entice. You can find these fun bright dresses in 8 great colours for 150 L$ each. However the FAT pack includes 2 bonus colours (green and blue) and this pack with 10 colours is just 349 L$.
The dresses fit Maitreya, Belleza and Slink.
With these dresses I am wearing Infinity necklaces from the lucky boards by Sn@tch, you do not need a group to click these boards.
And the elegant Bahija earrings are by Indulge Temptation and you can find them at the Twe12lve event in 6 versions. Each version holds a colour change HUD with 10 metal options and endless gem options, so you can adjust the earrings to all your outfits. I am showing you a few options below.
The beautiful skin appliers are Reina Freckled in pineapple tone, which you can find at 7 Deadly S[k]ins. Can't help it. I love freckles :)
The gorgeous eyes are Charm eyes in Abyss colour and they are by Ikon.
And the elegant hair is called Loni and it is hair by Truth.

Then I went to WellMade. They have a free to join WellMade group and there are several lovely group gifts available. So many actually that I cannot blog them all today. I am just showing you a few I found, the rest will follow tomorrow.
These fun Natallie shorts come in 2 colours and they fit Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, E-Body, Tonic and they also fit system avatars. They are one of the group gifts.
The cute tops are called Explicit and they also come in 2 colours. They fit the same bodies. They are also a group gift.
And the elegant hair is called Taja and it is hair by Truth.
The beautiful skin appliers are Mali Freckled in pineapple tone, which you can find at 7 Deadly S[k]ins.
And this gorgeous Destiny jump suit is also a group gift. There is a colour HUD included which gives you 2 options, and the jumpsuits fit Maitreya, Slink and come in fitmesh layers.
The bracelets I am wearing are from a set of 10 colours and you can find them on Marketplace for 1 L$. They are by [E.C.] Jeweler.
Last group gift for today are these sexy Louise Body suits. They fit Maitreya, Belleza, Slink and system avatars and they come in Omega appliers.
You get 2 options to wear these body suits.
Last find for today is from Marketplace. This sweet pink dress with stripes is by Extal and it is free. Pink shoes for Slink high feet are included. This dress comes in 5 mesh sizes.
The elegant bangles are also from Marketplace. They are by Tari's Creations and they are called Cotton Candy bangles. They are free.
The beautiful necklace is by TroyMart and it is their Citrine flower necklace which is free.
And the elegant hair with detachable and colour change hat is called Taren and it is hair from Truth.