Well not quite, at the moment there is a hunt going on, called Hunt for your Inner Slut. And I have been doing that hunt the last days. So I was wondering if you had found your inner slut yet? If not: GO HUNTING for it!
This hunt runs till February 15th and there is a HINT & LINK page available. Which is very hepful if you get stuck. There are #69 and a bonus shop to visit and each gift is FREE. Now what are you looking for? A golden cock and I do not mean a rooster. Do you feel slutty already?
Well let me show you some of the more decent gifts I found in this hunt. The more slutty ones will follow later :)
I landed at #57 Ayvas Attick and I found this awesome split dress inside their hunt item (not going to say COCK each time). The dress is just great to wear. I styled it with another hunt gift which I found at #50 Sloot. If you can locate the hunt item there, you will get these awesome shoes for SLINK HIGH feet.
The lovely long pearl necklace, earrings and bracelets are by Lazuri. You can find the set with a short necklace for free on Marketplace and the long version is 300 L$, also on Marketplace. The set is completely colour change.
The skin I am wearing is Aleida darktan by WoW skins and this skin is available at the Designer Circle till January 31st in 5 skin tones for 99 L$ per skin tone.
The hair is called Cecelia and it is by Tameless. This hair comes in 3 packs: naturals, fades and fantasy and each pack comes with a colour change HUD which changes the colour into 30 hair tones. 249 L$ for each pack or 499 L$ for the mega pack of all 3 colour packs.
Then I went to #2 Styled at Random and I found the hunt gift there too. This great golden dress including the SLINK HIGH FEET shoes is the hunt gift there and it is so worth to go hunting for!
Another participant in this hunt is #4 Pink Sugah. Inside their hunt cock I found another lovely dress, which is a little more slutty than the ones above. The pasties are NOT included, I am just wearing them because I want to look a little more decent on my blog.
The cute necklace and bag are another hunt gift which you can find inside the hunt item at #46 Burning Desire. Just a cute bag and necklace but it makes your outfits look just more elegant.
Over to #13 Sexz. They have this white shrug for you if you can find the hunt item at their store! The shirt is by Sascha's Designs and it is called Milou. Milou comes in packs of 3 and each pack is 199 L$. The black jeans are by Blackburns and they are free on Marketplace.

There are many more gifts to find in this hunt. How about this next sexy latex dress by #2 Voodoo Dolls? You only have to go look for that golden hunt item to wear this dress :)
Over to some more sexy stuff. #66 Jelly gives you this very sexy outfit as a hunt gift in the Hunt for you inner slut hunt. And even if you are not experienced in hunting, the hints are very helpful. So give it a try if you like this outfit.
My last find for today was actually the bonus store you can visit at the end of the hunt. This gift is by The Slut shop and it is also hidden inside a cock. But it is fun...expecially the panties that are pulled down.