Today on my blog I have some great offers for you... so let me quickly start by telling you the basics for today!
The beautiful skin appliers I am wearing with the NYX Bento head by LAQ and the Lara body by Maitreya are by 7 Deadly s[K]ins are called Naomy. You can find these awesome appliers at the Skin Fair 2018 as an exclusive.
The lipstick is by Booty's Beauty and today I am using their Cream Cake lipstick, which you dan get as Omega appliers but also for Catwa.
I am wearing a few different hairs on my blog today, with each change of hair I will tell you which one I am wearing.
So I found these lovely Zoya gowns at the Designer Showcase. Their current round runs till March 31st and these Zoya gowns are on offer there by Evolve. These Zoya gowns fit Maitreya and Slink Hourglass and they come with a colour change HUD which gives you 4 lovely options. These gowns are just 127 L$.
With these gowns I am wearing Kayden black shoes for MID feet by Lindy Modern & Retro shoes which you also can find at the Designer Showcase. These shoes fit classic avatars and Slink and Maitreya MID feet. They are available in several colours and each pair is 161 L$.
The beautiful jewelry set is by Luminesse and it is a new release at the store. This set is called Laciyah Luxe set and I am wearing the green-teal-silver version with the Fancy Pants suits.
It is a gorgeous set with many beautiful details. and you can get it till April 9th for just 100 L$ This set is great with casual outfits and dresses, you'll enjoy wearing this beauty often!
I am wearing Valentina long curly hair which is also by Truth Hair. I am wearing this hair with the first 2 outfits. This hair comes with a HUD which gives you the same option of colouring each half of the hair separate and with a styling HUD which gives you the option to wear this hair in different ways.
The pose I am using on the first picture is by Image Essentials and it is part of the Lightbulb Moment poses. This is pose #5 of this package of poses.
The next find is also from the Designer Showcase. These beautiful gowns are by Jumo luxury Fashion House and they are called Claudia gowns. These gorgeous gowns fit Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, TMP and fitted standard versions, and a colour and texture change HUD with 25 options is included. These gowns are yours for 300 L$.
Showing you a few options below.

These outfits fit Maitreya, Belleza, Slink and Tonic and a colour change HUD is included which gives you no less than 6 gorgeous options.
The necklace, earrings and head piece are included too and they also change colour with the same HUD. There is a skirt included with this outfit which I am not showing.
This lovely outfit including the jewelry is just 150 L$.
The long kinda straight hair is by Truth Hair and this hair is called Ophelia. This hair comes in a version where you can colour both halfs of the hair separate.
My last find for today is this lovely Cassandra Shamrock dress by Continuum. This dress fits Maitreya, Belleza, Slink and TMP and it comes with a scarf and with Slink high Kate shoes. You can find this dress on Marketplace too for 99 L$.
The gorgeous hair is by Firelight and it is called Maggie. I am wearing the red version as you can see. Firelight has 3 gachas at the Swank Event this Round. Each gacha is 75L per pull where you can win this gorgeous hair.