Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Sexy shorts and sexy tops

Hello there Readers!
As it is summer I have a lot of summer outfits to blog. Today I am showing you sexy shorts and tops which you can find for 10 L$ at the Cart Sale at The Wash for just 10 L$.
This event runs till July 3rd, so hurry if you wan to grab those bargains! Many great Second life Designers offer one or more of their designs there for just 10 L$.
So I went to the cart by Classy Chics, and I found these awesome Swag tops there in 4 versions. You get a plain and a Swag printed shirt in one buy. The cute shorts are a GIFT, they fit Maitreya and the HUD gives you 5 colour options.
The Rainbow bangles are also from the Cart Sale at The Wash and they are by Luminesse. For just 10 L$ they are yours!
The beautiful skin appliers are called Birdie and I am using the pineapple tone. The are by 7 Deadly S[k]ins. You can find them at Lost & found in a lot of skin tones.
The gorgeous eyes are by Ikon.
The gorgeous hair is by Truth, it is called Cheri.
The PERFECT hair bases I am wearing on my blog with most hair are by Sinful Curves Skins and they have several versions which work with Catwa and Omega based heads. They are very easy to use and 200 L$ each. They are colour change so you can adjust them to each hair tone you want to wear!

My next find is also from the cart by Classy Chics. These Toxic tops come as a fat pack, you get a HUD with them which gives you 5 colour options. Believe it or not: they are just 10 L$. MAITREYA ONLY!
The fun Butterflies are Free necklace and earrings are sold separate and they are 10 L$ each. is offering them at the in 5 lovely tones. CaptivatingCart Sale at The Wash 
And these tops are called Tender tops. They come in 4 versions and each version has 2 colours, again each in 2 versions. So for 10 L$ you get 4 lovely tops :) At the cart by Classy Chics and again Maitreya ONLY.
Over to another cart at Cart Sale at The Wash. This cart is by Marquesse and they have these awesome Hot summer pants and Hot summer tops on their cart for just 10 L$ per piece. There are 5 different colours to choose from, it will be the hardest part to choose which one you like best. But for 10 L$ each you can afford all you like!
The fun Butterflies are Free necklace and earrings are sold separate and they are 10 L$ each. is offering them at the in 5 lovely tones. CaptivatingCart Sale at The Wash 
And the gorgeous Shouldered tattoo is by Innerjoy. You can find several great tattoos in system avatar layers or in Omega appliers at their cart at the for just 10 L$ each!
The gorgeous hair is by , it is called May. This hair comes with a STYLING HUD which gives you the options to wear the hair all the way back, over one shoulder, over the other shoulder or over both shoulders. Awesome!Truth