Ready for some easy Saturday shopping Readers?
Today I am showing you sporty outfits you can find at Queenz.
They are ALL group gifts and the group is free to join.
So just a one stop shopping spree with an empty creditcard.
Curious? Keep reading!
* I am wearing the new BELLA head by LOGO
The head comes with all HUDS.
They have a LOW priced Mesh head every month now for group members.
You can buy the complete head with HUD for 1299 L$. The HUD however can be used with any of their heads, so if you have the HUD already you can buy this head for 300 L$ without the HUD.
This month there are TWO 300 L$ heads, a MALE and a FEMALE one!
The LOGO group is free to join.
* And with this head I am wearing the gorgeous Francis BoM skin and the freckle layers in pineapple by 7 Deadly s[K]ins.
You can find them at Shiny Shabby till April 15th.
* The lovely make up is by Stunner Originals. I am wearing their Weal lips and Staid eyes, both in BoM. They often participate in weekend offers, which you can find in their back room.
* The gorgeous nails are by Cazimi, they are their Nebula Gel nails and you can find them on Marketplace for 25 L$. You get Omega appliers and appliers for Maitreya, Belleza and Slink.
The HUD holds 10 colours.
* Let me start by saying that the group is FREE to join at Queenz and that they have a WALL filled with group gifts.
This Rich set is one of those gifts (their July gift) and it fits Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, Katena and eBody.
The included HUD gives you 4 options for the top and the panties, which gives you many options to mix & match.
This set fits Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, Katena and eBody and the included HUD gives you 4 options for the top and for the panties.
* Then there is this Mood bodysuit, which fits Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, Katena, Jesica95, Legacy and eBody.
The included HUD gives you no less that 16 options!
The included HUD gives you no less that 16 options!
Just wear the group tag to get it.
It fits Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, Katena and eBody and the included HUD gives you 3 options for the panties, the socks and the tops. You can of course mix & match.
* This Boy Biker set is yet another group gift and it fits Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, Katena and eBody.
You get 2 top options and 2 pants options.
* The Vasiform Sneakers are a group gift at Vale Koer.
The group is FREE to join.
* The fun May 2016 group gift hair (yes I know it is old, but cute) is a group gift by YumYum. The group is free to join and is called Double Paradox.
It fits Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, Katena and eBody.
You get 5 options.
* The Haruka hair is by Argrace and it is 300 L$ per hair tone.
But you can also wear the group gift Jade hair with this outfit, which makes all outfits today TOTALLY FREE!